Bridging the Gap to Information

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Latest Android News Apps

These are applications working on Android platform to deliver the latest news and updates. This article presents the latest news apps for the Android.

Latest News Apps for the Android

The Guardian App:

This app will enable you to join the guardian newspaper conversations, debate, submit comments and share content. You can use this app to program download of the newspaper daily and save your preferred content for later offline reading.

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Engadget app:

This app is the eventual source of news covering technology and electrical gadgets. You can stream news daily, watch news coverage as they happen and read views. Further, you can browse photo galleries to view new products and gain access to the podcasts listed in the website. You can also gain tips from tech editors and writers and any other breaking news from the technology world.

CNN App:

This app will keep you informed on the most recent breaking news. Here you will read tech stories, entertainment stories, sports stories and international stories. In addition, you can view video clips of live proceedings and CNN shows. More interestingly, you contribute your own story by uploading photos and videos so as to make your story look unique with the CNN’s iReport.

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USA Today:

This app gives you a detailed outlook on what is taking place around the country. Here you will be updated on sports, travel, tech and news. You can also use the social media to share news coverage. If you are a sports enthusiast, the sports news particularly the scores section where you will find the updates from all the main leagues will be your favourite section.

Google currents:

This app offers tablet and mobile friendly magazines from major publishers like the Guardian, Forbes and Tech Crunch. The app is able to offer breaking news in a wide category because of the Google search. You can save your preferred news and read them later.

AP Mobile App:

This app has a detailed guide for the latest information and news. You can get news from the trusted sources such as San Francisco Chronicle, the Miami Herald, the Boston Globe and other sources. You can browse news from entertainment to business to sports and to the world news. You can also read news in Spanish, French and English. In addition, you can view photos, watch videos and share articles with friends.

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Feedly App:

This is the final replacement for Google reader. This app combines blogs and popular sites to deliver news fast. All the information is delivered to you on a mobile optimized format. You can also be able to share content on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. The user interface structures the information in such a manner to fit on your tablet/phone so as to be viewed as a full magazine. This app has a fantastic browser speed and can feed you with news feed and blogs on your phone.

NPR News App:

This app delivers news to your mobile app and has information suitable for all ages. The information is from the public radio station which uses this app to condense all their programming to a simple platform. You can enjoy listening to a number of programs such as fresh air, talk of the nation and all things considered.


With these apps, you will be updated on your mobile device with the most recent news. You can incorporate sky number in any of the apps to get the latest news updates.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to Make Money Out of a Phone Answering Service

It seems that if you look hard enough in every sector you can unearth some surprising ways to make money. Telephone answering is just one of those areas. It is estimated that in the UK alone the phone answering sector is worth over £20 million a year. It is of course part of the general business services sector that includes business support functions including administration, HR, IT and Accountancy to name but a few.

Phone Answering Service

Surveys have revealed however that many potential customers are not aware that they can easily and cheaply avail themselves of this service. Phone lines can be permanently or temporarily transferred to a phone answering centre where dedicated staff answers the phone as though they are a member of your Company. The most common use of the system is to use external answering for when lines are busy or engaged. This removes the need for multiple additional lines and the concerns people have about their clients getting an answering machine.

Only 11% of us will leave a voice mail

These concerns are actually well founded. Research has shown that only 11% of us will leave a message on a voice machine. We simply don’t like doing it and there is no guarantee that the caller will phone back.

External phone answering is also effective when it comes to making a company look bigger than it actually is. Professionally managed client communication and transfer of information and messages can be seamless. You can adapt the call answering package to suit your needs exactly; messages can be texted or emailed to you immediately. I actually choose to have both, that way nothing is missed. The telephone answering provider can also schedule your diary, electronically booking, confirming and amending appointments. This is particularly useful for one man band organisations where the client may provide a ‘tools’ service such as a plumber or a carpenter.

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Prices will vary across the country but generally you will pay a fixed service charge per month plus a set amount for each call and message taken. Good providers will list messages for you daily and consolidate these on a monthly report together with your invoice. Fixed service charges vary between £20 to £50 per month with messages varying between £0.80 and £1.50 dependent on volume and level of service required. Clearly when it comes to breaking even here it is simply a numbers game.

Where to Start

My advice would be to select a geographic territory for targeting and decide which type and size of client you would ideally like to service. You can of course target multiple sectors but separating them out will allow you to quantify them and tailor your marketing techniques to the needs of the client group.

Start ups will always have a requirement but such customers are often budget and vision restricted. Small hands on (tool service) clients are plentiful and will allow you to extend your services into diary management; you can quickly become an invaluable member of their team.

Professional service sectors like solicitors and architects etc will have in house staff but lunch times, out of hours and holiday periods all present a considerable problem for them.

Once you are clear on the sectors look to your competitors – who, what, how and how much?

How exactly do they market themselves, decide that you like about them and what you don’t? Consider how you can differentiate yourself from them, what is your USP – unique selling proposition going to be and how are you going to get this message across?

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The great thing about a virtual answering service like this is the low cost to set-up. This type of service can initially be run from home but do ensure that a high level of professionalism is maintained at all times.

You will need to consider a basic website, business cards, literature, phone lines and phone systems. My advice would be to keep things simple and start small. Be proactive though and don’t be afraid to visit companies and ask the question. Local business exhibitions are also a great week of potential customers, be personable and follow up all prospective customers regularly. Don’t let them forget you.

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Additionally of course once you have a client onboard work hard to keep them. Visit them periodically; we may be firmly entrenched in a digital age but people still buy people. Also consider how you can up sell into the account that is sell other services to the same client. Virtual secretarial services for example or book keeping. Don’t worry about not having the skills in house, you could outsource the requirement, there is always a solution if you look hard enough. It is important however that you maintain control, this is your business and no one else will care about it as much as you do.


How to make money out of telephone answering was written by Karen James, Founder and Director of two businesses. Karen is passionate about customer service and uses the services of 1st Response phone answering service to ensure that her customers get the very best.

Monday, October 21, 2013

How Colors of Your Website Affect the Sales

It is interesting how colors affect our purchasing choses, especially over an ever changing medium such as the internet. It is true that we are more likely to buy something that has bright colors than something that is dark and unwelcoming. But that is nothing new in advertisement. Here we are going to see some of the basic color advertisement techniques that we have come to know and love, and some useful tips for making your own website profitable through the process of social manipulation.

Website Affect the Sales

How Colors Affected Sales Before The Internet

Ever since man started printing words onto paper, things in the advertisement business have never been the same – in fact there was no advertisement before that, at least not the kind we are used to today. The first ads were printed some 3000 years ago, and were related to the selling of goods just as we do today. Egypt, Greece and Rome all partook of the 'pen on paper' ads campaigns at the time, boasting the first economy that is worth mentioning. During the middle ages, ads were in the form of symbols rather than written words. For example a tailor would have been represented by a needle and a thread. The true ad revolution did not start until 19th century, and contrary to popular belief, those ads were not black and white. In fact they were beautifully drawn to draw people's attention. As time went by, and the technological revolution took the world by storm, more and more manufacturers sought to further their profits through advertising, and not any advertising. What do the Nazi flag, the Soviet flag and the Coca Cola logo all have in common? Let me give you a hint, it is not an ideological issue. They are simply red, all of them. Red is the primary tool fro selling merchandise, and propaganda, for nearly 200 years! Red is what made Santa Clause, and red is what most physiologists consider to be the most 'noticeable' of all colors.

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The Internet Revolution

Stepping into the present, we can see just how much 'the same' interment advertisement is, compared to the days of old. Be that as it may, there are still a lot of things that are totally different, and it is those things that either make or break companies.

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Have you ever noticed how much of the so called 'high authority' websites are plain and not very interesting to look at in general? Well that is because the job of the website is to hold your content, not be regarded as art or anything of the sort. Many people get fooled by the notion that the more colorful something is the better it's going to sell. On the contrary; as any self-respecting web designer would tell you, the idea behind a successful website, lies in its simplicity. The good, really good web designer must be able to do a website that is simple looking, but all so professional. White of course is the color of choice. Combine a simple white template, with red elements and what you have there is one winning color strategy. Avoid black, gray, red as you main theme, for it turns people off quite a lot. Always go for the modest, professional look if you wish for your products to sell.

ALSO READ: How To Set Up A Website To Boost Your Business

Author Bio:
Rose Finchley is passionate blogger keen on topics about Internet and web design. She currently works in the support team of and she has a lot of experience to share with her readers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

How can bad SEO affect your business?

Bad SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can have a devastating effect on your business. Your whole online campaign may be compromised, or even turn into a PR nightmare. You have to remember that these days a lot of people are getting their information from a website. And, if the information they receive about your company is skewered, then so is your public image. It may even come to pass that negative reviews about your company are appearing on the search engines results before the results containing your website are.

How SEO affect your business?

Without good SEO your website will not be seen

This is a basic fact that revolves around SEO. SEO guidelines exist to make websites more search engine friendly. If your SEO is no good, then your website is not search engine friendly and so you will not be ranked up the search engine results page. Bad SEO is going to damage your company because you will be missing out on a free opportunity to gain more customers. This is damaging to your company because your competitors will be gaining free customers whereas you will not.

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Poor SEO is going to attract the wrong people

SEO is more about getting the right people to look at your website. There is a good chance that poor SEO is going to attract a lot of people. But, if those people are not interested in your website or your company, then what is the point of attracting them? They are simply going to use up your bandwidth for no reason. You may even be attracting people who are angry with your company and want to cause damage with negative comments or by sending you phony orders or clogging up your help desk with spammed requests for help.

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Poor SEO is going to attract nobody

If your website cannot be found on the search engines, then there is little chance that you are going to gain any traffic from it. There is also a brand of poor SEO that will rank you highly but will still not attract any people to your website. Not only do you have to have your website rank highly for the right search terms (as entered in the search engine), but you also need to encourage people to click on your search engine result. If people do not do this, then what is the point of ranking your website highly in the search engine results pages?

Poor SEO may put negative reviews above your own website on search engine results

This comes from a combination of poor SEO and incompetent SEO. You should be optimizing your site to appear as high in the search engine results as possible (that is where poor SEO comes in). You should also be optimizing your site for people who want to visit your website, and so should not be optimizing your website in line with the people who do not like you (that is where incompetent SEO comes in).

Bad SEO may rank up irrelevant pages

This is typical of simply bad SEO. This is where the most search engine friendly pages are actually the ones that have no bearing on your business or are simply irrelevant. Your landing pages, and to a lesser extent your home page, is supposed to rank the highest. These are the pages that convert people from viewers to buyers or supporters. However, some people make information pages that are accidentally very search engine friendly. A user will end up landing on a page such as “about us” and immediately bounce (leave the page) because they were looking for products not people.

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Bad SEO may rank up negative pages

You may have pages that have a negative effect on your online PR or online reputation. Pages such as the ones explaining your current share price slide. These are sometimes arranged and optimized in a way that has them appear above your positive/landing pages on the search engine results. Do you really want your customers’ first exposure to you to be one explaining why your share price has dropped?

Terrible SEO may get you kicked off of the search engines

This is called Black-Hat SEO, and it is made up of SEO techniques that break the rules laid out by Google (and to a lesser extent Bing/Yahoo). If you break these rules then there is a good chance that your website will be kicked off of the search engine results and you will not gain any traffic from a search engine.

Kate Funk is a freelance writer at She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest SEO trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stay On Topic in Your Blog Posts

You’ll find differing advice about how many topics you should include in a blog post. An article on Blog Herald, for instance, recommends that you stick to one topic per blog post and give some very compelling reasons why this is the case. One of them is quite simply the fact that it’s good for search engine optimization. It allows you to craft a very specific and directed headline and that makes people want to click on your post and makes the search engines regard the post as a potentially good resource.

Your Blog Posts

Another, less technical, reason is simply the fact that people tend to like reading things that have a point and that get to it right away. Remember that writing is a little bit like fencing: you always leadwith the point, at least if you’re good.

Is it possible to mix multiple topics in a blog post? Yes. If you’re a good writer and you can pull it off, you can probably get away with it and make great posts out of multiple subjects being mixed together. However, the advice on Blog Herald is definitely worth heeding in most cases.

READ: 3 Tips for Creating an Effective Blog

Sharpening the Point

When you pick your topic for your blog post, make sure you pick something that you really can write about for a given number of words. As a resource, Weblogs at has a list of different topics that you could write about. This is a good resource if you’re out of ideas and you’re just trying to think of something you can put on your blog to keep it alive.

If you can’t think of anything original to write about, you can always pick a photo and write about it. It might seem silly until you think about how many words are spent every year writing about art. People actually like reading this type of thing and, if you find something interesting and you want to share it on your blog – even if it’s off the beaten path for what you normally write about – having a focused, point driven blog post is still worth it in terms of keeping your readers engaged. As another benefit, Premium WordPress Themes and other blogging tools allow you to organize your old blog posts into an archive based on tags, and if your tags lineup with the point of your blogs, your archive instantly becomes more useful to readers.

ALSO READ: Inbound Marketing: 5 Basic Tips to Improve WordPress for SEO

Remember that, once you pick your point, you do need to stick to it. Here are some common pitfalls that you can avoid and that you’ll see all over the Internet.

The Hazards

First, avoid talking about yourself unless you are the topic of the blog post. Simply put, this has gotten out of hand on the Internet. Even news stories are quite frequently more about the reporter than they are about whatever they are reporting on. Remember that people come to your blog to read what you have to say about a subject, they don’t come to your blog to listen to you talk about yourself.

The second, be sure that every one of your paragraphs feeds into your main topic. One way to do this is to write too much to begin with. The best writing is usually what remains after the fat has been trimmed away. If you want a 450-word blog post, write a 600 word blog post and cut out the parts that don’t need to be there. You’ll end up with 450 very engaging words about whatever subject you’re writing about.

Going back to the fencing metaphor, remember that the steel on any sword really exists to support the point. Make sure you have a good point, make sure you stick to it and you use it as your primary reason for writing the blog. If everything else supports that point and feeds into it, you’ve probably got something that’s very much worth reading and that will give you a good reputation as a writer.

About author
Anny Solway is a dedicated writer at ThemeFuse – a web studio that creates original WordPresstemplates, that can be used out of the box. She loves to share blogging and technology tips.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Make Money out of SEO

The internet is a huge and fast moving animal. There were an estimated 644 million websites on the internet as of March 2012. It is also estimated to be growing by an incredible 30 million websites a month! The web is where everyone goes to find information; the traditional paper directory is dead. Even the ‘silver surfer’ sectors are now using computers to facilitate their lives.

Organic versus Paid Ranking
Some recent research carried out by the Nielsen group identified that only 6% of search engine users will click on what they see as a paid advert. Google will tell you that this percentage is 25% but think about your own internet use, generally people see sponsored adverts as somehow less credible. They avoid the Adwords highlighted sector, particularly the right hand vertical advert column the top position of which is estimated to receive only 4% of page clicks.
Organic optimisation is therefore essential and maximising the ‘long tail keyword’ for the client will without doubt drive targeted traffic.

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No Where to Hide
SEO is a great marketing discipline as it is ultimately measureable and therefore provable. No intangible results here but that does mean that there is nowhere to hide if you get it wrong.
It is however a fast changing environment; don’t venture into SEO if you don’t like constantly learning and adapting your processes. It is critical that you are on top of your game. The recent Penguin 2 update in May 2013 is a classic example. This algorithm update penalises a website for poor quality back links and for overuse of anchor text designed to manipulate ranking results. Many companies have fallen foul of this update as previous SEO techniques often included purchasing links which are still in place.

ALSO READ: Inbound Marketing: 5 Basic Tips to Improve WordPress for SEO

If you are considering entering this market you do need knowledge and experience, work within an internet marketing company if you can. Attend SEO conferences, join web marketing communities and read their blogs avidly.
Focus on a Target Sector
Consider the market sectors that you want to work in. What clients do you want? This will make a huge difference to the skills you need. Small local businesses and start ups will be much easier to optimise. National ecommerce clients dependent on online sales will carry a higher price tag but along with that will go the pressure for results.
At the top end of course there are multi-national clients with multiple sites targeting different countries and languages. Needless to say this level of optimisation, site management, analytics and PPC will be very complicated.
There is money to be made however and if you get it right a lot of work will come by word of mouth. My advice is to focus your energies on achieving results for your existing clients rather than constantly seeking new clients. New customers will come along as a healthy by-product.
Never Mislead or Over-Sell
Take care not to over-sell and mislead. That way lays only unhappy clients and disappointment. There will always be competitors making unrealistic promises; the reality is however that good sustainable SEO takes time. 
Many sectors are hugely competitive; make sure your clients understand the difficulties. Take care to provide the facts and explain them. Put everything in writing so there can be no ambiguity going forward. Provide your best time estimates, I like to give a best and worst case scenario and of course cover yourself by explaining how you cannot be responsible for Google changes although you will do your best to react to them. 
SEO is a long term marketing investment, if your client does not understand this they should probably not start. New domains too can be difficult to rank, it can be 6 months before a site gains any traction in the market. 
10% of ranking results now come from social media activity so content marketing is essential. If your customers are not social media savvy you may have to help them do it. Consider that in your service plans and consider both Face Book and Linked in for advertising if appropriate. This can provide interim results whilst you are waiting for rankings to improve.

YOU MUST READ: Inbound Marketing: 5 Basic Tips to Improve WordPress for SEO

My best advice however is to approach your client’s business as though it is your own. What would you do for yourself? Be proactive; make yourself familiar with the industry, what are their competitors doing and should you be doing it too? This may mean moving outside the rigid lines of internet marketing but your aim here should be long term happy clients so don’t be mean with your advice. Follow Google’s example, set out to provide the very best, informed service you can and success will surely follow.

How to make money by SEO was written by Karen James. Karen enjoyed a successful career in corporate sales and marketing before founding the Cambridge based LilacJames SEO agency in 2009.

Given Up On Trying To Count Sleep? Try Your Blackberry Apps For A Great Night's Sleep Instead

Not only can sleep deprivation be downright annoying, it is also considerable harmful to your health and potentially very dangerous. Chronic lack of sleep has been blamed for ruining careers, causing fatal road traffic accidents and turning individuals into physical wrecks. So, if you are worried about having to deal with one or more of these dreadful scenarios, please speak to a GP about your issues. In the meantime, you may want to ask your faithful Blackberry Smartphone for a little help. Don’t laugh, there are some excellent sleep-aid applications that could possibly get you off to sleep with no trouble at all. If this sounds rather appealing, please read this article for some unbiased reviews.

Sleep Cycles App Alarm by Oriol Segundo Gratacos - $3

Smartphone alarm clocks may be nothing new, they make a loud noise at the time we are supposed to wake up, so we wake up and then we turn them off and go back to sleep, end of story. But there is a new breed of alarm clocks out there that claim to wake us up with a little more consideration. This particular app uses a soundtrack that actually helps you to get off to sleep, using a choice of relaxing sounds. Once you dial in the desired wake-up tie, the app will select a bespoke alarm noise that uses a ‘soft wake up’ method to gently shift you form your dream cycle stage. Once this stage has passed, you will start to stir and the next stage chimes in to ensure you get the message. This application can also be set to a motion activation setting, this tells the app when you are naturally stirring, and the wake up cycle begins. It all sounds a little hit and miss to be honest, but apparently it works and does the job very well. You will not be subject to a sudden rude awakening and the rest of your day will be bereft of those light headed dozy moments that we hate so much.
Brainwave Tuner by EMOBISTUDIO - $5

Our second Blackberry Smartphone has already won the 2012 Handango Championship Award for best health and fitness App. Whilst it is true to say that Brainwave Tuner is not strictly a sleep aid App, but it certainly lends its features to helping the user relax completely. This App contains 20 sets of sound patterns that come in 3 separate categories:
  • Sleep and Therapy – Including headache therapy, sleep induction and edge of consciousness
  • Meditation and Relaxation – Including meditation, relaxation and self-hypnosis
  • Focus and Learning – Including attention increase, the awakening mind and intelligence increase.

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As the sub-titles suggest, this app has a pre-set sound track for all of the important mental states, and then some. Thousands of users have already paid testament to this terrific application and we suggest that you also give it a try if you need some more chill time in your hectic life!

 ALSO READ: The 5 Best Free IPhone Apps Of 2013

Ready For Some Sleep?
Well, we are! So grab that bad boy Blackberry and download these beauties right now – Sweet Dreams!

The author of this post is Natasha Joseph, an employee at, leading suppliers of CPAP breathing machines. Natasha loves reading romantic novels and watching soap operas.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ways To Build An Awesome Micro Niche Site That Earns Money Online

Do you want to earn more money with fewer efforts in a short time? Building a micro niche site and ranking it on the top of the search engine will make your dreams possible. Nowadays making money online has become very simple! It’s very easier and people earn lots of money now and then by targeting keywords on their niche sites.

The only thing you need to do is to create a blog on your favorite niche and post articles related to it. Promote your site by doing formal link building for specified topic or the set of keywords you want to rank. Following are few steps on how to build awesome niche blogs that make huge money online!!

Micro Niche Blog, That Earns Money Online

Micro Niche Website:

These are the websites that are built around a specified category or topic (niche). It can be any category such as gadgets, blogging, SEO, web designing, how to guide, social media and many more topics that are trendy on today’s technological world. For instance: If you run an SEO company then, post blogs related to your keywords that drives awesome traffic to your website too!

How to build such sites to earn money?

Keyword Research and its competition analysis:

It is very crucial in these days to find the right keyword! Keywords are the phrases or words that visitors used to type in the search engine to find what they need. Targeting on the most competitive keywords will not help in making huge money.

READ: How to Create a Blog and Make Money From Your Blog

So beware of choosing keywords and make sure your keywords will have 2-3 words long (semantic or long tail keywords) that relates to your niche and research on it. Things to check while researching are the monthly search volume, low competition, cost per click and some other similar facts. Making your domain name related to your targeted keywords will work better!

Setting up the niche site:

After the long analysis of finding the apt keywords that matches your criteria, it is essential to setting up site to post content on it. There are various sites that provide free website and themes especially for niche sites, of which you can choose a good one that suits you.

But choosing and installing a good theme will find better way to success!

Building content:

Creating content is the most essential part as it is the one that glitters on your site. At the beginning it is important to post more content in order to gain traffic. Post at least 10 – 15 articles and provide more categories inside your niche site. Select themes according to that category and provide a perfect design as your requirement.

ALSO READ: I Need Money Now!-Make Money Online With Your Blog

Search Engine Optimization:

At the current scenario, SEO is become a must for any kind of business that requires online recognition. Without that, you can’t any site on the search engine results page. So, it is vital to structure your keyword as SEO friendly throughout your website.

Make your content optimized through effective keywords that are targeting your goal. But you should aware of not violating the SEO rules and guidelines! Consider on On-page SEO factors, Meta data optimization for better ranking!

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When it comes to Off-page, linking on to quality websites is very predominant. Creating unique quality content will also help you in obtaining good incoming links. Other ethical link building techniques may be followed to promote your site to reach the first page on the search engine.

Finally Monetize it:

After all things are done, put AdSense or PPC campaign to make money online at your right place through your niche! You can also join affiliate marketing campaigns in order to promote your product that matches your site’s niche. This will lead to a better ranking of your site that generates income.

I hope this post will help your way on building your very own niche site through successful blogging!

Hi! My name is Jessica Pretty, Professional Blogger and Guest Post Writer. I love to explore Web, SEO services and new Technologies,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to Create a Blog - How to Make Money From Your Blog

How to create a blog

Have you ever thought of owning a website or a blog? Perhaps you are inspired by popular bloggers and site owners like +Linda Ikeji and Huffington post but you don’t know where to start from. Well, today is your lucky day. This article gives you a step by step approach on how you can get started and make it big in the blogosphere.

Log on to a website like wordpress, blogger or tumblr and create a free blog. Usually, when you create a free blog, it comes with an extension e.g. if your blogs name is abc health , it comes as However, to buy the domain name, you have to pay a fee which is usually minimal.

Blogger, wordpress, tumblr

Get a good and attractive layout. Make sure that the layout of your site is attractive and directly relates to what your site is and stands for. Here, you have to consider what images you use and the colours you choose as they have to project the overall ambience of your site.

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Get a domain name. This might be a repetition but just goes to show how mighty important it is. Examples of domain names are .com, .net, .org and many more. However the choice of a domain name depends on the type of site you intend running. For example, most sites are registered with .com, while corporate organizations use .org. however there is no hard and fast rule to this as its solely on the discretion of the blog owner.

Publicize. Nowadays, there are so many ways to advertise your site. You might decide to paste updates on your Facebook wall regularly, or twitter. Alternatively, you may choose to create a specialized Facebook page for your blog, as well as a twitter handle. Then you can promote your posts for a minimal fee on Facebook. Make sure however that you study the advert planss thoroughly before subscribing to any so as to ensure maximum reach. Another veritable source of advert publicity is google ads. These are highly targeted ads with a wide reach. Other forms of publicity that cost nothing include being a guest writer on other popular sites e.g. nairaland. Make sure you include your site address at the bottom of any of your posts, but exercise moderationn when doing this so you are not labeled a spammer. You might also consider putting your ads in local newspapers and bulletins.

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Update your blog regularly with relevant information in your niche. This will ensure that your readers are kept captivated and they don’t lose interest in your site. If you are going to be away for some time, you may consider getting someone to help you out in updating your site regularly.

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Check your site regularly, at least once a week. Is very easy to get discouraged and forget about your blog, but if you keep on working at it, your blog will definitely be a success.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The History Of Twitter

Have you ever wondered how Twitter got started and how long it took for it to become the social media mega star that it is today?  In 2006 a young man had an idea and he worked on it during all of his off time.  This idea was a text messaging or SMS based application for cell phones.  It was supposed to allow people who knew each other to track of what the entire group was doing through texts.  Today, Twitter is one of the hottest social media networks and boasts millions of users from around the world.

history of twitter

In the Beginning                  

The young man took his idea to his boss who allowed him to work on his idea during his work hours and to keep him informed on his progress.  Twitter started out as being twttr because at that time it was popular to drop all the vowels and only use the consonants on websites.  It soon developed into the now know Twitter when the fad of dropping the vowels ended. There were four main players in the Twitter game at this time and it didn’t take long for these four gentlemen to move up from the concept to the actualization of Twitter.

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The Tweet Heard Nowhere

The first ever tweet was made on March 21, 2006 and it said, “just setting up my twtter”.  Sadly there were no followers or no one else to see this epic event.  Of course at that time nobody knew what a huge platform Twitter would become so there probably wasn’t even a screen shot of the tweet to commemorate in time. This first tweet and the ensuing ones were used on the SMS platform rather than in a web based environment.  There was some controversy, isn’t there always, when the company that started Twitter found out that Apple had come up with a similar platform so the project was shut down and purchased by the founding people.  Not all of the original members were included however and this is where the controversy lay.

Twitter Today

In 2007, Twitter began to take off seeing a surge of tweets at a trade show where people were making sixty thousand tweets a day.  This may seem like a lot but when you consider that right now, in the past minute, there were probably the same amount, if not more, tweets made it’s not that big of a deal.  Back then, it was huge for the company.  Since that conference, Twitter has gained in popularity and today, millions of people are using Twitter and many of them could be following you today.

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It is a bit overwhelming to think that so many people are using a social media site that wasn’t even in its infancy a decade ago.  While Twitter did not blow up overnight, it took a few months; it did blow up and is one of the top three social media networks online today.  You can tweet from your computer, your smart phone or tablet.  No matter where you are, you can make tweets to let your followers know what you’re up to.

Angela Baker loves to teach others about Twitter as well as Instagram. She writes posts to help others learn more about these social networking sites.

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